Frequently Asked Questions

We educate and provide fundraising opportunities for local organizations that are centered around miraculous and life sustaining honeybees. Check out our products page to see how you can participate in our charities by purchasing our premium honey, merchandise and collectables. We return 100% of our funds back into the project (just like the honeybee itself) to consistently grow our reach to do good. Our goal is to educate every participant about the importance of and miraculous activities of honeybees while financially supporting organizations that are supporting humans and their needs.

We serve organizations who wish to learn about the miraculous journey and God given structure of honeybees, and sell honey and byproducts to leverage awareness and raise funds for their own worthy initiatives. After becoming a novice backyard beekeeper our founder Michael Carr, The Abundant Life Broker, developed the dream of utilizing this non-perishing liquid gold to provide fundraising opportunities for local ball teams, cheerleading squads and mission groups to raise money for their causes thereby passing one blessing to another blessing. His dream is to create a circle of sustaining activities that feed each other perpetually. The more honey you purchase, the more hives we can purchase to create more awareness both to the honeybee population and the organizations that utilize the profits to do more good in the world. Use our honey to raise your money!

We provide tours of our hives and operations so fundraising clients can better understand that they are selling an ideal (not just a product) while contributing 100% of our proceeds to this cause so organizations can retain a higher percentage of their fundraising profits. We encourage interaction and participation with our “partners”. Adults and children of all ages can help sell our beautiful packaged liquid honey to fund their communal activities from ballgames to boardrooms. We call it the honeycomb. Our partners do not just sell the products for their needs, they sponsor our endeavors corporately and volunteer at our beeyards for education and fun! Contact us to see how you can get involved in “The Sweetest FUNdraiser on Earth!”.

We began our honey bee journey as backyard bee enthusiasts, and have since grown to over 150 hives locally, with plans to reach 1,000 in four years. Our Founder has grown several national & international organizations using the principles of “the hive”. More importantly, for Bee My Blessing is our collaboration with our master beekeeper James Eubanks, owner of Bee Sweet Farms in Commerce, Ga. James is instrumental in our plans to grow and sustain our dream of helping organizations all over the world. James has been a beekeeper for over 10 years and his lifelong dream of being a full time farmer came true through helping our dream of being a not for profit fully productive bee farm. A perfect example of the honeycomb effect where everybody is blessed and each blessing is paid forward to lead to another blessing.

Honeybees make every life better because without them there is no life. Additionally, they are the quintessential organizational pattern. If every business, farm, family, church, synagogue or team operated like the hive of the honeybee we would already have created heaven on earth. In a hive everyone has a job, they only do their job, they create more than they consume, they give back to the entire bee community as well as their own hive, they make things grow, they are resilient, they are efficient, effective and ethereal. The product they create while acting natural to their individual calling is the most perfect food source on earth and the ONLY food source that will not perish. Our founder, The Abundant Life Broker® has worked his entire life to create organizations that can operate like the beehive. He has proven time an

How much of the net proceeds actually get to the charity you support?  It’s a great question that we receive on a regular basis.  When the idea of Bee My Blessing started I desired 100% of all net proceeds to go to charities that feed, cloth or shelter humans.  I wanted to support bands, ball clubs, cheerleaders and missionaries.  Churches, Synagogues, homeless shelters and food banks.  This is still our charter but real life requires real sacrifice to be able to make a dream like that come true and even still the “real world” requires so much more.  In real life there are real expenses and business requires its pound of flesh so whether your intentions are for profit or not for profit making a profit is the only way to survive.


As a philanthropist I personally do not give to charities with massive administrative costs.  The goal, after all, of a charity is to be charitable not to pay high salaries or high office rent.  When I sat down to get to the business of Bee My Blessing I realized that we needed to start simple and grow into our dream.   At this point I decided to pick one title charity per season to support and return the “profit” back into the building of the business.  Then the question arises, How much can we give and still run the company?  After much prayer and thought we decided that 100% of the net profit from honey sales should go to the charity while the rest of the products from our online store would go to support the growth and development of Bee My Blessing.  There are costs associated with running a retail establishment that are truly unavoidable such as our beekeeper salary, equipment costs, sales manager salary, subscriptions, and bookkeeping.


Our goal this 2022 inaugural season is to give $10,000 to Java Joy!  Our projections show a potential of 3 times that amount which would be incredible!!  Our monthly administrative costs only include Accounting costs, bee Keepers pay, finance charges, administrative help and website maintenance.  All other costs and efforts to grow Bee My Blessing are volunteer based including our Founder, Operations Manager and Marketing manager who donate their time free of charge!  Click here to find out how you can help too